Child Activities Mikro İnteraktif FREE - Download from Google Play


6 Years and Older

Listen to your color instruction and go to the sung color side

We are a fun game with you. Students carefully listen to their teachers' instructions and need to fulfill the instruction quickly. The game, which is surprised by the instruction, is eliminated from the game.

4 Years and Older

Transfer Objects Activity

We are doing an activity of transferring objects in a box to another empty box with the help of a stick.

8 Years and Older

Making a Simple Pencil Holder

Let's prepare colored papers, scissors and glue. We combine the colored papers that we cut in a certain order as in the video. Then, a beautiful pencil case emerges.

6 Years and Older

Match Colors with Numbers

Let's cut round colored papers to represent each color and create large dots in certain numbers. Then let's try to match these dots with numbered papers of the same color.

4 Years and Older

Colored Circle Matching Activity

Let's cut apartments from paper and then paint these apartments in two different colors. Of course, we have to do two from the colored apartment. Our little ones will try to match the same color apartments.

4 Years and Older

Hear the names of fruits and match them with colors

Let's find enough papers and cut according to various fruit shape. Then, in the colors of these fruits, let's match the pieces cut with colored paper.

8 Years and Older

Let's learn the words that report a place in English

In this event, we try to visually understand the words that report a place in English. We will understand the words on it, in, next to it and between.

6 Years and Older

Let's match fruits and vegetables with colors

Let's find enough papers and cut according to the shape of various fruits and vegetables. Then, in the colors of these fruits and vegetables, let's match the pieces cut with colored paper.

8 Years and Older

Let's draw a child and create colorful kites

We are again with a beautiful and colorful event. We draw a girl on a slightly large white paper and draw the kite forms in different colors. Then we mix different colors a little. There will be a colorful image that we will love.

6 Years and Older

Adapt to your friends and move through the ring

Let's gather a little more friends. Then let's try to get through the ring with our hand on the shoulder of the other friend. Friend harmony is important,

6 Years and Older

Match the boxes

Let's do some brain test. In this event, you need to meet the same boxes. But you should not pass the same place again while bringing the boxes together. Let's start then!

2 Years and Older

Match Color Pencils with Cover

We do matching with colorful and lid pencils. We try to close the pencils that are separated from the covers by finding the lid of the same color.

2 Years and Older

Know and Match Colors

Let's remove the lids in colored objects. Let's place the lid in the object we take off the same color. Then let's put the lids again.

2 Years and Older

Match objects according to their colors

Let's find lids of different colors and round objects with the same colors. Then let's try to match these different objects with colored caps.

2 Years and Older

Match objects according to their size

Let's find caps or round objects of different sizes. Then let's create gaps on the cardboard in the size of these different sizes of objects. Let's make our little ones match the objects with gaps.

4 Years and Older

Let's put the balls into the circle and then put it out of the circle

Plastic balls we put out of the circle with our feet first into the circle and then out of the circle, let's go quickly. Fast one wins.

2 Years and Older

Paint the egg shells and break

After cooking, let's paint the remaining egg shells first. Then put it under a transparent bag and let our little ones break them. Let's get some stress.

6 Years and Older

Easy Paper Decorations 4

We start our activity with paper, pen and scissors. After folding the paper in various ways, we draw with a pen in a certain way. Then we reveal the decoration with the help of scissors.

6 Years and Older

Easy Paper Decorations 3

We start our activity with paper, pen and scissors. After folding the paper in various ways, we draw with a pen in a certain way. Then we reveal the decoration with the help of scissors.

6 Years and Older

Easy Paper Decorations 2

We start our activity with paper, pen and scissors. After folding the paper in various ways, we draw with a pen in a certain way. Then we reveal the decoration with the help of scissors.

6 Years and Older

Easy Paper Decorations 1

We start our activity with paper, pen and scissors. After folding the paper in various ways, we draw with a pen in a certain way. Then we reveal the decoration with the help of scissors.

6 Years and Older

Balloon experiment in the bottle

Let's do a magic experiment with the help of plastic bottles and balloon. First of all

6 Years and Older

Let's prepare and play table hockey

How about making table hockeys with the items in the house? Let's prepare a table hockey with a wild table, some book, two roll toilet paper and jar lid. Then let's start playing.

4 Years and Older

Let's draw flowers with bags and paint

After the bag at the house is a little inflated, let's paint some with the help of watercolor. Then let's walk the painted place on a white paper. You will love the flower shapes formed very much.

6 Years and Older

Draw shape, soak, flowers appear

Let's prepare pens in different colors and draw shapes on paper. Then wet the shapes slightly. Let's color our activity with the beautiful image.

6 Years and Older

Colored ball race

Let's keep the plastic balls of different colors in a basket in a mixed way. Then let's put the balls in the box on our side with the sticky tape at the end of the stick we prepared for our little ones.

4 Years and Older

Magic Paper Towel 2

Let's fold a piece of paper towel in half. Then, let's draw the colored part at the bottom in a shape we like, with the colored part painted.

4 Years and Older

Let's jump before the ball comes

It's a good event where you can play with friends. After the little ones are sorted at regular intervals, one of them rounds the ball and then our little ones try to jump over the ball, respectively.

6 Years and Older

Visual Perception and Attention Study

A matching study that looks mixed but also strengthens attention and attention.

10 Years and Older


Let the favorite game come in summer. There is no need to buy ready -made bubble juice with this water you can make ten hundred thousand bubbles.

6 Years and Older

Let's do some intelligence work

Let's prepare the device in our video with the materials found at home. Then, after laying the colors in a complex way, let's try to make the same colors in a sequential way.

6 Years and Older

Fun Balloon

By combining them with each other and the balloons are a bit too sisireli then I stick it. Let's make it fun with a blow dryer.

2 Years and Older

Let the stars with a toothpick

Prepare some toothpicks, and water. Like the toothpicks with water and then placing the stars in the video let's create together.

2 Years and Older

Fruit Color

We draw from the various fruits in the middle of the carton so that it remains blank that is cut. Then by cutting the fruit in appropriate colors make sure that small paper fill the inside of our little hero.

6 Years and Older

Easy Drawing Fruits From Circles

Let's prepare pen and paper, draw circles, then learn how to turn those circles into fruits in a simple way. Details are in our video.

8 Years and Older

Magic Paper Towels

Let's write something in a face of a piece of paper towel. Then let's try to draw a picture of what we write on one side of another paper towel. Then let's complete our magic paper towel activity with the steps in the video.

10 Years and Older

Flying Cardboard Cups

Let's prepare cardboard cups, rubber and adhesive. Then let's prepare to fly the glasses with good dexterity.

2 Years and Older

Little Painter

Our little fun-packed the effectiveness of image-making. Prepare materials and give it to them, and then they paint freely and at ' em have fun.

4 Years and Older

A Fun Game With Bag

An enjoyable game you can play with your child with just a bag

2 Years and Older

Draw Game Look The Same

This game provides support for the development and strengthening of small colors Nov

4 Years and Older

Breakfast Like Flowers

Let's do the presentation for a nice breakfast with tomato and cucumber.

4 Years and Older

Touch it, feel it and draw it

Another great activity with little we can do. Draw figures with hands on their waist. Guessing having a good time with him then let it be.

6 Years and Older

Waterbending with an Electric Balloon

Let's inflate a balloon, rub it on a wool sweater or our hair for a long time, then bring it close to the water flowing from a fountain and watch the water bend and twist.

4 Years and Older

The Life Cycle Of The Butterfly

From Caterpillar to butterfly in the return of the adventure home with simple ingredients.

4 Years and Older

Animal Shadow Play

Today, with our children in a dark environment, with our hands let's play a shadow game.

Little Einsteins

Hungarian Hiccups

Rocket participates his first day in the Great Sky Race as a rookie to beat other planes, jets and helicopters.

Little Einsteins

I Love to Conduct

As the sun is rising, the team use their magical music powers to wake a lot of animals up

Little Einsteins

Our Huge Big Adventure

The Little Einsteins are on their daily patrol on Rocket, until they hear music coming from somewhere distant.

PJ Masks

Owlette and the Flash Flip Trip

Today is story time for the daytime kids. Greg and Connor ask Amaya what book is she going to read, and it is obvious, as she was busy reading her Flossy Flash comic book.

Oscar's Oasis

Bad Trip

Oscar comes across a full bottle of water and tries to open it in every way he can think of, but with no success. Then he's spotted by the Trio who start to chase him so they can steal his bottle.