Child Activities Mikro İnteraktif FREE - Download from Google Play


6 Years and Older

Pattern Matching Activity with Paper Cups

We are preparing a system with cardboard cups. We are trying to match these cups with a given model. The fastest one to replicate the given model wins.

2 Years and Older

Let's improve the pencil holding skill

It is a fun activity to improve the skills of the preschool hands of our little ones. We wish you good fun in our plenty of acquisitions, which can be made with simple and less material.

4 Years and Older

Transfer Objects Activity

We are doing an activity of transferring objects in a box to another empty box with the help of a stick.

2 Years and Older

Combine Same Color Objects 3

Let's find and match objects of similar colors. We develop the reasoning skills of our little ones in this easy activity done with materials at home.

6 Years and Older

Pattern Circle

With the pattern circle, our little ones will learn to arrange objects in a certain order.

4 Years and Older

Colored Circle Matching Activity

Let's cut apartments from paper and then paint these apartments in two different colors. Of course, we have to do two from the colored apartment. Our little ones will try to match the same color apartments.

4 Years and Older

Learn to rank according to color and counting

Let's put colored objects in a transparent glove. On the fingertips of the glove, get numbers of these colors. Our little ones will both learn to distinguish the colors and improve their counting skills. Montessori type activity

4 Years and Older

Complete the missing parts in the puzzle

Let's prepare a fun and educational puzzle for the little ones. Let's draw missing shapes on paper and create the missing parts in ice cream bars. Thanks to their visual skills, the little ones complete the missing parts.

4 Years and Older

Hand Coordination Activities

Let's try to do the exercises that are based entirely on hand coordination.

2 Years and Older

Match similar objects

Let's try to match the flowers painted with two different colors with objects with the same colors. Let's improve the attention and visual perception skills of our little ones.

6 Years and Older

Symmetry Activity

With these symmetry drawings, our little ones will meet their skills and symmetrical figures.

6 Years and Older

Finding Similar Ones Activity 4

Carefully find and mark the same shapes that have been drawn before. Thanks to this activity, visual perception, logical skills and reasoning skills of our little ones develop.

4 Years and Older

Finding Similars Activity 3

Let's carefully find and mark the same shapes that were drawn before. Thanks to this activity, our little ones' visual perception, logical skills and reasoning skills develop.

4 Years and Older

Right and Left Brain Activity 2

It is a good activity for our children to coordinate their right and left brains in a coordinated way. The difficult part of this activity is that the two hands move in the opposite direction.

4 Years and Older

Finding Similars Activity 2

Carefully find and mark the same shapes that have been drawn before. Thanks to this activity, visual perception, logical skills and reasoning skills of our little ones develop.

4 Years and Older

Finding Similar Activity 1

Carefully find and mark the same shapes that have been drawn before. Thanks to this activity, visual perception, logical skills and reasoning skills of our little ones develop.

4 Years and Older

Let's learn how to count, remove and collect with a number board

With a number board we will prepare, we aim to teach our little ones easily mathematical procedures. Thanks to this simple activity, let's increase mathematics skills.

1-2 Age

Ribbon Pulling Game

It's time to move a little to increase babies' fine motor skills. Let's start with simple materials in the house.

4 Years and Older

Restore Model

Let us increase their spatial organization skill by making our little ones create the model we have created on paper.

4 Years and Older

Sports activity

Such games or activities are the favorite types of activity of us therapists. In this game, motor planning skills are supported in the opening of motor development.

4 Years and Older

Colored latch

We play a fun game with our colorful mandates. We attach our latches to their places according to the colors given on the directive card. It is possible to create the game floor by passing the ice cream sticks to the cardboard. Visual perception, attention, focus, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination is an example of a game that supports ..

4 Years and Older

Colorful and fun memory hexagon

We are trying to sequence the hexagonal cartons in accordance with the colors of the hexagonal cardboard in the center. A game of intelligence that improves perception, attention, memory, colors, logic, coordination, alignment and much more skills.

1-2 Age

Entertainment time with colorful balloons

Let's take the motor skill and perception ability of our little ones one step further. Let's make him follow the movement of the balloons with his movements.

1-2 Age

Reach, Understand and Disassemble

We thought let's develop some lying skills and some fine motor skills. I glued it to the sticky paper from the toys at home. He tried to remove them one by one, examining them as his hands touched the sticky paper. He tried to reach out to those far away. When your baby starts to sit with support, you can try these activities. It is very helpful for their development.

1-2 Age

With Move Balloons

For infants motor skills and hand-eye coordination in our series of events to support we need to make sure have a fun time with their balloons.

1-2 Age

Take Out Straws

For infants motor skills and hand-eye coordination to support events in our series of different colored straws and let's try

1-2 Age

Pull it out

For infants motor skills and hand-eye coordination to support events in our series of let's try to pull out the sticky objects of different colors.

1-2 Age

Let's Figure Out Which One

For infants motor skills and hand-eye coordination to support events in our series of rings of different colors move and the other part is observing.

1-2 Age

Color Overlay

For infants motor skills and hand-eye coordination of different colors in our series of events to support our move towards it and select object.

1-2 Age

Action Press and hold

For infants motor skills and hand-eye coordination, try to keep in our series of events to support the object after some action.

1-2 Age

It's Time To Play With Balloons

For infants motor skills and hand-eye coordination to support events in our series of fun time with colorful balloons

1-2 Age

Swallowing Water Sponge

For infants motor skills and hand-eye coordination support in our series of events to take the water with a sponge.

1-2 Age

Shiny Objects Closer To

For infants motor skills and hand-eye coordination to support events in our series, let's get closer to shiny objects.

6 Years and Older

Make An Octopus Out Of Cardboard

Get the kids out of colored cardboard that we can fund the effectiveness of the octopus. An activity that will contribute to the development of children's fine motor skills.

1-2 Age

Start Development

Activities to develop fine motor skills and attention babies who can stand and walk.

2 Years and Older

Waste Pick Up

It's time to throw out the garbage at the top of the table. Our event and we will work to develop attention skills with our little motor.

1-2 Age

Put Rolls

For the babies at the event. A little movement, and motor skills will save the placement of our little friend with the effectiveness of Rolls let's have a fun time.

2 Years and Older

Do The Same Thing

Our little draw shapes in different orientations on a piece of paper. We draw the shapes that let her do the same; let us help the development of their motor skills and attention.

2 Years and Older

Gather Items Quickly

A pretty fun? Let's play a game of few pens and guaranteed fun with a box. Concentration, visual-motor coordination skills such as Let's raise.

1-2 Age

Fine Motor Skill: Let's Place the Sticks

Let's do a sticking activity in our fine motor skills development series for babies 12-18 months.

1-2 Age

Fine Motor Skills: Driving Effectiveness Nails

12-18 months baby's fine motor skills development in our series let the effectiveness of driving nails.

2 Years and Older

Collect The Lids In The Water

It's a simple but engaging activity for our tiny. The application of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination is a great way to develop.

1-2 Age

Our little matching shapes

This event is easy, thanks to our little recognize shapes and motor skills will increase.

4 Years and Older

A Fun Game With Bag

An enjoyable game you can play with your child with just a bag

4 Years and Older

Fun Frames

Are you ready for a fun game? Played with dice and Checkers nice, simple and educational game for Let's watch the video together.

4 Years and Older

Left and Right Brain Activity

A good activity to use their right and left brains of our children in a coordinated manner.

4 Years and Older

Half Complete Activity

Our activity is good for developing fine motor skills is half complete, enjoyable study. Enjoyable games.