Child Activities Mikro İnteraktif FREE - Download from Google Play


6 Years and Older

Pattern Matching Activity with Paper Cups

We are preparing a system with cardboard cups. We are trying to match these cups with a given model. The fastest one to replicate the given model wins.

6 Years and Older

Intertwining the glasses and win the struggle

Our biggest help is the pencils in this event, which we can play with paper or plastic cups. With the help of pens, pass the glasses into each other and try to move forward.

4 Years and Older

Let's put our hands towards the directions shown

Let's try to put our hands in the right direction according to the two different direction arrows we have drawn on paper. At this event, which has gains such as attention, focus and rhythm, we wish our little ones have fun.

6 Years and Older

Find the Spoken Color Quickly

Let's prepare colored balls and papers. In this activity, which is played as a competition, we will listen carefully to the person who says the color and try to find the color said quickly.

8 Years and Older

Making a Simple Pencil Holder

Let's prepare colored papers, scissors and glue. We combine the colored papers that we cut in a certain order as in the video. Then, a beautiful pencil case emerges.

6 Years and Older

Match Colors with Numbers

Let's cut round colored papers to represent each color and create large dots in certain numbers. Then let's try to match these dots with numbered papers of the same color.

4 Years and Older

Match Color Forms

Let's try to match the shapes cut from colored papers with smaller shapes that resemble them.

4 Years and Older

Colored Circle Matching Activity

Let's cut apartments from paper and then paint these apartments in two different colors. Of course, we have to do two from the colored apartment. Our little ones will try to match the same color apartments.

8 Years and Older

Let's make a bird with origami

Origami, known as the art of paper folding, is almost masterpieces. How about making birds with Origami? Details in our video.

8 Years and Older

Let's make a star with origami

Origami, known as the art of paper folding, is almost masterpieces. How about making stars with Origami? Details in our video.

8 Years and Older

Let's create butterflies with origami

Let's reveal several unique figures for origami, known as the art of paper folding. Watch carefully and try to do it together. Let's reveal the butterflies.

4 Years and Older

Hear the names of fruits and match them with colors

Let's find enough papers and cut according to various fruit shape. Then, in the colors of these fruits, let's match the pieces cut with colored paper.

4 Years and Older

Keep the pingpom ball in balance and lowering

In this activity played with paper cups and pong balls, let's put the cardboard cups in the top of the pingboard ball standing on the top cardboard glass. We wish you plenty of fun in this activity with balance and speed.

4 Years and Older

Breathing Cardboard cups with breath force to the target

Again, we are with you with an easy activity. Pipettes, cardboard cups, two tables and the middle of the mid -mid -mid -shed paper using the breath force to try to pass cardboard cups through the target. The first reaches the target wins.

6 Years and Older

Let's create salt crystals

Let's reveal a beautiful salt crystal in this very fun art and science activity. Let's try to do this fascinating activity with the help of a parent with the help of colored paper, hot water and salt.

6 Years and Older

Let's match fruits and vegetables with colors

Let's find enough papers and cut according to the shape of various fruits and vegetables. Then, in the colors of these fruits and vegetables, let's match the pieces cut with colored paper.

6 Years and Older

Let's make owl from the pine cone

Let us examine the construction of the owl from the pine cone that will be revealed with the dexterity of the little ones.

4 Years and Older

Leaf printing activity

Pastel paint, A4 paper and leaf with the help of great prints.

4 Years and Older

Separate objects according to their colors and direction

According to the colorful paper on our hands and feet, let's match the objects with the right color and try to put them in the right direction.

8 Years and Older

Let's draw a child and create colorful kites

We are again with a beautiful and colorful event. We draw a girl on a slightly large white paper and draw the kite forms in different colors. Then we mix different colors a little. There will be a colorful image that we will love.

4 Years and Older

Complete the missing parts in the puzzle

Let's prepare a fun and educational puzzle for the little ones. Let's draw missing shapes on paper and create the missing parts in ice cream bars. Thanks to their visual skills, the little ones complete the missing parts.

4 Years and Older

Stone, Paper, Scissors and Progress

Thanks to the game of stone, paper and scissors, it wins the first target of the items in the circle. Let's watch carefully for the details of our simple and fun event.

4 Years and Older

Two Hand Coordination

Let's draw lines that are not linear and go in different directions on the paper. Let's try to reach the target in a coordinated way through these lines.

2 Years and Older

Find the same colors and paste

There are points of different colors on a roll -shaped paper. We are trying to meet the colorful adhesive papers that are the same color of these points with that color.

2 Years and Older

Move according to colors, explode the balloons and become champion

Let's sort the colored balloons in a certain order. When you make a membrane of the same colored papers and thrown to the ground, according to the color that comes to the top, the person of that color moves one step and explodes the balloon. The person who explodes all the balloons becomes the champion.

6 Years and Older

Let's try to make a face without seeing

In this event, let's try to place the nose, eye and mouth organs in an empty face that we have drawn on paper properly. Let's see who will reveal the expression of a face in the most accurate way.

6 Years and Older

Stone, paper, scissors and race

How about a fun contest. Moreover, you don't need to be fast for the competitors. You can make the competition even more fun by adding the game of stone, paper and scissors.

4 Years and Older

Footprint card for Father's Day

We decided to make this fun card for my father on Father's Day! We painted the footprints of our children to make this fun craft.

6 Years and Older

Spring Flowers

Let's try to reveal spring flowers with this beautiful activity. The materials used felt with felt pen, thick paper, water, ear bar. Let's watch our event and try to do the same.

8 Years and Older

Making whale with leaf

How about making whale with leaves, paper and scissors? Let me prepare the ingredients, complete the steps in the video. Whales come out.

8 Years and Older

Making swans with leaf

How about making swans with leaves, paper and scissors? Let me prepare the ingredients, complete the steps in the video. Let the swan appear.

8 Years and Older

Making dinosaur with leaf

How about doing dinosaur with leaves, paper and scissors? Let me prepare the ingredients, complete the steps in the video. Let's reveal the dinosaur.

6 Years and Older

Progress according to colors and become champion

Let's sort the colored papers in a certain order. Each of the people who will play in our contest should choose a color. When you make a membrane of the same colored papers and thrown to the ground, the person of that color is moving one step.

6 Years and Older

Let's move the colored balls according to the specified directions

Let's try to move the colored balls in both of us according to those directions according to the different directions we have drawn on paper.

6 Years and Older

Let's move the fingers according to the specified directions

Let's try to move the fingers in both of us according to those directions according to the different directions we have drawn on paper.

6 Years and Older

Roll toilet paper with a snowman overthrow

Let's put the roll toilet papers on top of each other. To compete as two competitors, let's throw plastic balls on our own goals and try to overthrow the rolls. The first rolling wins.

6 Years and Older

Easy Paper Decorations 4

We start our activity with paper, pen and scissors. After folding the paper in various ways, we draw with a pen in a certain way. Then we reveal the decoration with the help of scissors.

6 Years and Older

Easy Paper Decorations 3

We start our activity with paper, pen and scissors. After folding the paper in various ways, we draw with a pen in a certain way. Then we reveal the decoration with the help of scissors.

6 Years and Older

Easy Paper Decorations 2

We start our activity with paper, pen and scissors. After folding the paper in various ways, we draw with a pen in a certain way. Then we reveal the decoration with the help of scissors.

6 Years and Older

Easy Paper Decorations 1

We start our activity with paper, pen and scissors. After folding the paper in various ways, we draw with a pen in a certain way. Then we reveal the decoration with the help of scissors.

6 Years and Older

Let's prepare and play table hockey

How about making table hockeys with the items in the house? Let's prepare a table hockey with a wild table, some book, two roll toilet paper and jar lid. Then let's start playing.

4 Years and Older

Cup Tower Struggle

With a new competition event, the fast win. In this game played with paper and plastic cups, we will try to intertwine cups.

6 Years and Older

Cute Animals Easy Drawings

Let's prepare pencils and paper, we will draw cute animals with a few simple movements. Turtle, snail, frog, hedgehog, crab and whale draw and color.

4 Years and Older

Let's draw flowers with bags and paint

After the bag at the house is a little inflated, let's paint some with the help of watercolor. Then let's walk the painted place on a white paper. You will love the flower shapes formed very much.

6 Years and Older

Draw shape, soak, flowers appear

Let's prepare pens in different colors and draw shapes on paper. Then wet the shapes slightly. Let's color our activity with the beautiful image.

4 Years and Older

Match colored numbers with colorful balls

Let's prepare colorful paper with numbers in which the numbers are written. Let's start matching the balls that are the same as the color of the colored papers we have prepared.

4 Years and Older

Coding activity with colorful balls

Let's prepare colored balls and paper of the same color. Let's try to bring together colorful balls in the same sequence of the colored papers that we paint mixed.

6 Years and Older

Making swinging snowman

Let's prepare the bottle lid, paper, adhesive and pen. We're going to make a cute snowman. Moreover, to the right and left.

6 Years and Older

Moving and Fun Art with Paper

Let's create a fun and funny character of paper. Let's also give mobility to this character and try to revive our activity.

4 Years and Older

Magic Paper Towel 2

Let's fold a piece of paper towel in half. Then, let's draw the colored part at the bottom in a shape we like, with the colored part painted.

4 Years and Older

Making Snowman and Snowwoman Ornaments

We will make a snowman and a snowwoman with basic materials such as cups, paper, tongs and scissors. You can also use the products we make as ornaments.

8 Years and Older

Autumn tree

Let's make a cute tree as the autumn approaches with colored paper, cardboard and adhesive materials.

4 Years and Older

Specify aspects as shown

Let's draw direction signs into the apartments on a sheet of apartments. Let's draw directions on round bottle caps. Let's try to find the aspects of the bottle caps as specified in the paper.

4 Years and Older

Let's bring together colors and numbers

Let's write numbers in colored apartments on one paper. Let's draw apartments on the other paper and write numbers. Let's try to put the colorful objects in the first paper into the relevant number on the second paper.

4 Years and Older

Paint as much as you see

Let's develop mathematics and visual perception with this activity where we will paint coloring on paper as much as the number written on paper.

8 Years and Older

Let's make a frog from paper

Let's try to make a cute frog with the ingredients at home. Let's reveal the fun frog using colored cartons, pipette and adhesive.

10 Years and Older

Let's make flowers from paper 1

How about making great roses from the toilet paper in our house? Details in our video.

4 Years and Older

Restore Model

Let us increase their spatial organization skill by making our little ones create the model we have created on paper.

6 Years and Older

Spring tree

Materials in our activity; Let's make a beautiful tree with the fund cardboard, white paper, adhesive, crackon paper or mask, scissors, play dough or plastic, ear bar.

6 Years and Older

Cute ornamental cloud

Prepare paper, cotton, adhesive and colored paper. Let's make a cute cloud for the house and start using it as an ornament.