Child Activities Mikro İnteraktif FREE - Download from Google Play


4 Years and Older

Deliver the ball to the target in the maze

We bring our balls to the target and play a fun game with our cute chicken. An example of a game that improves hand-eye coordination and attention.

6 Years and Older

Plastic balls to target without dropping the balloon

We will try to leave the plastic balls lined up around a circle without dropping the balloon on the ground. Fast and careful win the game. Good fun at this event with plenty of gains.

4 Years and Older

Advance the circle with a stick, jump into the circle and reach the target

We move the circles that are big enough with the help of sticks. Afterwards, we try to reach the target circle by jumping to the circle that moves forward.

6 Years and Older

Color tracking according to directive cards

We place our colorful apartments in accordance with the order on the directive card, playing a fun game. A game example that supports line tracking, visual perception, attention and hand-eye coordination.

6 Years and Older

Group Event with Balloon and Competition

In this event, which can be played in a large area, how about doing balloon racing in groups? By competition in teams, the balloon wins the game that delivers it smoothly.

6 Years and Older

Collect objects and move forward

Advance the colored objects lined up on the ground in the form of a contest. Finally, the first you reach the goal and win the game.

4 Years and Older

Carry and Drop Balloon on Head

Let's put a plate on our head and a sufficiently inflated balloon inside. You can turn this activity played with a group of friends into a competition. The first one to reach the target wins the game.

6 Years and Older

Be Careful and Fast! Act Before Your Opponent

In this activity that focuses on attention and speed, try to get the same colored object faster than your opponent according to the color that appears on the tablet. Even without a tablet, one person can manage the game by saying the colors.

6 Years and Older

Let's Get the Ball to the Opponent's Field and Win

In this game, which is more of a classroom activity, our little ones, divided into two groups, will try to get a big ball in the middle of the room to the other side's field with the small ball in their hand. The aim is to reach the opponent's field by hitting the ball with the balls.

6 Years and Older

Run Around the Circle and Reach the Object to the Target When You Hear the Whistle

In this game played with more than one person, we arrange the objects in a circle in a row. Our little ones run around these objects until they hear the whistle. When the whistle sounds, we take the object and quickly put it in the middle circle. The last one to do it is eliminated.

4 Years and Older

Throw Plastic Balls to Target and Stick Them

In this activity played as a team, one person tries to throw plastic balls towards the sticky hoop held by the other person. If the ball sticks to the sticky hoop, that team wins. The team that sticks the most balls wins the game.

1-2 Age

Full activities for babies

We share a video with plenty of activities in our game ideas event for babies. What's wrong? Exceeding the obstacles, dislusing objects, painting, putting objects in the box with full game ideas with you.

6 Years and Older

Try to keep the incoming ball together

In this game, two people will be played, one of the other friends will try to hold the ball. We wish you good luck in this event, which is based on a little balance and attention.

4 Years and Older

You first deliver the ball to the target

With this activity you can play, your friends wins the first to -face game to the target person. In this simple event, you will have a good time with your friends.

6 Years and Older

Let's play xox game with friends

Let your friends have a good time and try to win the game with the help of the ball and the public at this enjoyable event.

4 Years and Older

Stone, Paper, Scissors and Progress

Thanks to the game of stone, paper and scissors, it wins the first target of the items in the circle. Let's watch carefully for the details of our simple and fun event.

8 Years and Older

Tiny chairs from the lids

Let's try to make tiny chairs to use the little ones in house games. Plastic lid as material, skewers and silicone adhesive.

4 Years and Older

Inside Outside Effect

In this event, which can be played with the community, we listen carefully and try to do what is said quickly. Late remains out of the game. Plenty of fun.

6 Years and Older

Roll the Dice, Collect the Numbers and Take the Caps

Let's prepare two dice and jar lids. Let's write numbers from 1 to 12 under the lids. Let's get the lids from the sum of the numbers that come up when we throw the dice. The one who finishes the lids early wins the game.

6 Years and Older

Stone, paper, scissors and race

How about a fun contest. Moreover, you don't need to be fast for the competitors. You can make the competition even more fun by adding the game of stone, paper and scissors.

2 Years and Older

3 different baby games idea

You will find 3 fast activities that you can do for your babies, they will almost not require any installation or preparation, and you can do it using the plus things in your home! These game ideas will help your baby's cognitive development!

8 Years and Older

Complete the puzzle in the specified manner

Puzzle -type table game that can help improve attention, concentration, attention to details, coordination and speed.

6 Years and Older

Deliver the painted glass to the marked area

A simple -regulated game where children will have fun. The glasses lined up in a square area and one of them is painted. Try to deliver this painted glass in a regular way. Fast one wins.

6 Years and Older

Let's prepare and play table hockey

How about making table hockeys with the items in the house? Let's prepare a table hockey with a wild table, some book, two roll toilet paper and jar lid. Then let's start playing.

4 Years and Older

Cup Tower Struggle

With a new competition event, the fast win. In this game played with paper and plastic cups, we will try to intertwine cups.

6 Years and Older

Lego Collection Game with Balloon

In our balloon collecting activity, let's throw the balloon up and try to quickly put the lego pieces around the plate in the plate. Most of the LEGO piece on the plate wins.

4 Years and Older

Dropping the Balloon

Start the race without dropping the balloon to the ground. A simple and fun game that you can play with your family or group of friends. The rule of the game is to hit the balloon once and not drop it.

4 Years and Older

Balance Game Using Balloons and Pillows

Balance and coordination. All you need is a balloon and some seat cushions! Exercise your core, arm and leg muscles with this balance and coordination game!

1-2 Age

Ribbon Pulling Game

It's time to move a little to increase babies' fine motor skills. Let's start with simple materials in the house.

6 Years and Older

Turn back, stop and catch the ball

Let's do a fun and active event with friends. Our little ones who rotate around the balls are trying to get the nearest ball with the command. The tiny remaining tiny is out of the game.

6 Years and Older

Let's race cardboard roll together

How about the competition with the help of rope and cardboard roll? In two teams, it wins the game that delivers the cardboard roll on the rope to the target as soon as possible.

10 Years and Older


Let the favorite game come in summer. There is no need to buy ready -made bubble juice with this water you can make ten hundred thousand bubbles.

6 Years and Older

Cardboard, pingpom ball, several players and baskets

The idea of ​​a fun game you can play in the family. It's time to entertain with a little cardboard, pinpom ball and a few players. The details of this event, which is full of fun and are so simple, are in our video.

4 Years and Older

Sports activity

Such games or activities are the favorite types of activity of us therapists. In this game, motor planning skills are supported in the opening of motor development.

4 Years and Older

Colored latch

We play a fun game with our colorful mandates. We attach our latches to their places according to the colors given on the directive card. It is possible to create the game floor by passing the ice cream sticks to the cardboard. Visual perception, attention, focus, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination is an example of a game that supports ..

4 Years and Older

Place the colored circles appropriately

We carry our colorful apartments to their places on the directive card and play a fun game. A game example that supports visual perception, attention and hand-eye coordination.

4 Years and Older

Colorful and fun memory hexagon

We are trying to sequence the hexagonal cartons in accordance with the colors of the hexagonal cardboard in the center. A game of intelligence that improves perception, attention, memory, colors, logic, coordination, alignment and much more skills.

4 Years and Older

Basket game with caps

Let's prepare cardboard, rods and covers. After making a small basket box and a cover shot, let's start the race and try to win the game. The details of our fun and simple activity are in the video.

4 Years and Older

Race with bottle caps

Let's take the lids of plastic bottles and turn them into a race quickly and try to win the game.

6 Years and Older

Algorithm Activity with PingPon Balls

We throw our pingpom balls, we close the value of the part of the ball on our card, play a fun algorithm game.

4 Years and Older

Great Games with the Sun 2

How about a fun game in the near future for the sunrise and sinking of the sun? Great event series with the sun 2. Everything depends on your creativity.

4 Years and Older

Fun Balloon

In this game played with balloons and plastic balls, whoever puts the balls in the basket faster will be the winner.

8 Years and Older

Ball Transfer Game

A good activity that we can play with our friends. Paper towel rolls with tennis balls and let the fun begin.

4 Years and Older

Fun Broom

Playing has never been this much fun with a broom. In this game you can play with your friends is a lot of excitement.

4 Years and Older

Rhythmic Sequencing

This simple sorting of our events, we're going to play the game in a rhythmic way.

4 Years and Older

Left-Right Brain Work

The logical left brain, the right brain is emotional. The left brain with the right brain gives importance to the arts, while giving attention to mathematical topics.

6 Years and Older

Let's Draw Without Seeing

We put a plate on the top of our pen, we try to draw our picture without seeing it. The fun picture that comes out at the end of the drawing is very pleasing to the children. We wish you pleasant games

6 Years and Older

Animal Shadow Game 2

When dusk it's time to flip at the chance to spend fun time. Take this opportunity and turn it into a night on a magical adventure. Watch videos for your entertainment shade and small animals.

4 Years and Older

Great games with the sun

To the sinking and rising of the Sun recently about a game of fun. All depends on your creativity.

4 Years and Older

A magic show with money

We'll have a game the kids will love the magic of a spoon, with the movement how we'll put coin into the glass. Details of our videos.

2 Years and Older

Basketball Game With Cardboard Glasses

Gain plenty of fun came in a game. Materials carton cups, rope, ball. Let's play let's hoops.

2 Years and Older

Gather Items Quickly

A pretty fun? Let's play a game of few pens and guaranteed fun with a box. Concentration, visual-motor coordination skills such as Let's raise.

4 Years and Older

Be Careful, Don't Pop the Bubble

We stick our sticks in the box one by one, try not to burst the balloon, we play a fun game. It is necessary to put the balloon before both players see it.

4 Years and Older

Basketball game with ping pong ball

The House of the ingredients in our series of events, this time on a ping-pong ball and we're going to play mini basketball game with paper cups.

2 Years and Older

Create the Same With Rope

Simple to prepare with your little darlings for 3 years and over, reasoning that the strength of support fine motor development and hand-eye coordination and the development of let.

4 Years and Older

Let's Make Fun Tower

Our balls we put them on top as desired, making a tower of fun game we're playing. Cut the pieces of a roll of toilet paper into putting the ball in the ball, you can arrange balance to stand.

4 Years and Older

A Fun Game With Bag

An enjoyable game you can play with your child with just a bag

6 Years and Older

Let's Make Cardboard Car Game

The ropes by pulling the kids on a winding road let's make a game out of cardboard for the car redirects!

1-2 Age

Opening And Closing Activity Bottle Caps

Parental control to turn on and off the bottle caps in a nice little likes it's a game.

4 Years and Older

Fun Frames

Are you ready for a fun game? Played with dice and Checkers nice, simple and educational game for Let's watch the video together.