Let's try to match the flowers painted with two different colors with objects with the same colors. Let's improve the attention and visual perception skills of our little ones.
Let's try to reveal spring flowers with this beautiful activity. The materials used felt with felt pen, thick paper, water, ear bar. Let's watch our event and try to do the same.
Let's try to make a very beautiful flower visually by using tomatoes, cucumbers and oranges in our event series with vegetables and fruits.
Let's try to make a very beautiful flower visually by using tomatoes and cucumbers in our activity series with vegetables and fruits.
After the bag at the house is a little inflated, let's paint some with the help of watercolor. Then let's walk the painted place on a white paper. You will love the flower shapes formed very much.
Let's prepare pens in different colors and draw shapes on paper. Then wet the shapes slightly. Let's color our activity with the beautiful image.
Materials required to create colorful flowers: pipette, scissors, bumper brush, finger paint or acrylic, gouache paint, toothbrush, ear bar, brush. Enjoy.
How about making great roses from the toilet paper in our house? Details in our video.
In our event series, we will examine the 3 -dimensional flower production. Let's learn this simply event by watching the video.
Let's prepare a beautiful smiling flower with cardboard cups, scissors, pencils and paint.
Let's make easy and colorful flowers with the materials at home. Materials finger paint, toilet paper roll, buffer brush, brush, ear stick.
Get your pen and paper ready, we try to draw a beautiful flower and a cute girl in a simple way.
Paper, pencil and let's paint. Paper paint and a fun way to spend time in our fingers on a nice ride.
Colorful papers to prepare. Make your room a beautiful flower suslme what is it about?
This beautiful event we will prepare the opening in the container of the water of the flowers we easily we'll see.
Violet in a simple way about how to draw a flower step by step? Watch the video and you will be able to draw yourself a nice violet flower.
To draw a beautiful tree with our hands, and make a flower of some colorful pattern paper.