Child Activities Mikro İnteraktif FREE - Download from Google Play


6 Years and Older

Listen to your color instruction and go to the sung color side

We are a fun game with you. Students carefully listen to their teachers' instructions and need to fulfill the instruction quickly. The game, which is surprised by the instruction, is eliminated from the game.

6 Years and Older

Colorful pompom balls collect with adhesive tape

We wear the colored pompom balls so that the sticky band is inverse. The sticky side will be outside. We take the pompom balls with adhesive tape and try to put them quickly.

10 Years and Older

Lava lamp experiment

We are with you with an experimental activity. We will experience water, cups, food coloring, oil and magnesium tablet and lava spraying mountains.

10 Years and Older

Sort the colors against time in color puzzle

We are with you with a different event. Let's try to combine the mixture of mixed bottles of different colors against time to combine the covers of the same color at the same time.

6 Years and Older

Color tracking according to directive cards

We place our colorful apartments in accordance with the order on the directive card, playing a fun game. A game example that supports line tracking, visual perception, attention and hand-eye coordination.

4 Years and Older

Left brain right brain exercises

It is a good activity for our children to coordinate their right and left brains in a coordinated way. In this event, the right hand is sometimes trying to make the same movements while making the opposite movements.

6 Years and Older

Collect objects and move forward

Advance the colored objects lined up on the ground in the form of a contest. Finally, the first you reach the goal and win the game.

2 Years and Older

Combine Same Color Objects 3

Let's find and match objects of similar colors. We develop the reasoning skills of our little ones in this easy activity done with materials at home.

6 Years and Older

Find the Spoken Color Quickly

Let's prepare colored balls and papers. In this activity, which is played as a competition, we will listen carefully to the person who says the color and try to find the color said quickly.

8 Years and Older

Making a Simple Pencil Holder

Let's prepare colored papers, scissors and glue. We combine the colored papers that we cut in a certain order as in the video. Then, a beautiful pencil case emerges.

6 Years and Older

Try to Make the Same Figures as the Figure Cards

We had fun with various colored figure cards. We used counting sticks and bottle caps. It is one of the activities that motivates children in the first weeks.

10 Years and Older

Let's Draw a Windmill in Nature

Let's try to draw a smiling sun among the clouds and a windmill in a green nature. When we color it after drawing, a beautiful view will emerge.

10 Years and Older

Let's Draw a Mushroom House in Nature

Think of a natural landscape and a cute mushroom house in it. A wonderful landscape emerges when you add some color. Drawing details in our video.

6 Years and Older

Match Colors with Numbers

Let's cut round colored papers to represent each color and create large dots in certain numbers. Then let's try to match these dots with numbered papers of the same color.

6 Years and Older

Be Careful and Fast! Act Before Your Opponent

In this activity that focuses on attention and speed, try to get the same colored object faster than your opponent according to the color that appears on the tablet. Even without a tablet, one person can manage the game by saying the colors.

4 Years and Older

Match Color Forms

Let's try to match the shapes cut from colored papers with smaller shapes that resemble them.

4 Years and Older

Right and Left Brain Activity 4

This is a great activity for our children to use their right and left brains in a coordinated manner. In this activity, we will pass colored circles in order with one hand and try to find the object of the same color with the other hand.

6 Years and Older

Let's Learn Colors, Numbers and Problem Solving with Lego

Create activities that encourage critical thinking, like combining geometric shapes with LEGO, simulating stories, and even counting quantities and shapes.

4 Years and Older

Sort Colors Correctly and Reduce Focus Problems

How about helping our little ones with 10 different simple activities that will increase their focus time? Details in our video.

4 Years and Older

Colored Circle Matching Activity

Let's cut apartments from paper and then paint these apartments in two different colors. Of course, we have to do two from the colored apartment. Our little ones will try to match the same color apartments.

4 Years and Older

Hear the names of fruits and match them with colors

Let's find enough papers and cut according to various fruit shape. Then, in the colors of these fruits, let's match the pieces cut with colored paper.

2 Years and Older

Create black and colorful squares discover hidden colors with the help of water

Let's draw black frames on one side of the napkins and paint them. On the other side, let's create and paint different colors. Discover the colors by dripping water on the black frames by revealing the hidden color on the back.

6 Years and Older

Let's create salt crystals

Let's reveal a beautiful salt crystal in this very fun art and science activity. Let's try to do this fascinating activity with the help of a parent with the help of colored paper, hot water and salt.

6 Years and Older

Let's match fruits and vegetables with colors

Let's find enough papers and cut according to the shape of various fruits and vegetables. Then, in the colors of these fruits and vegetables, let's match the pieces cut with colored paper.

6 Years and Older

Let's make owl from the pine cone

Let us examine the construction of the owl from the pine cone that will be revealed with the dexterity of the little ones.

4 Years and Older

Learn to rank according to color and counting

Let's put colored objects in a transparent glove. On the fingertips of the glove, get numbers of these colors. Our little ones will both learn to distinguish the colors and improve their counting skills. Montessori type activity

4 Years and Older

Separate objects according to their colors and direction

According to the colorful paper on our hands and feet, let's match the objects with the right color and try to put them in the right direction.

8 Years and Older

Let's draw a child and create colorful kites

We are again with a beautiful and colorful event. We draw a girl on a slightly large white paper and draw the kite forms in different colors. Then we mix different colors a little. There will be a colorful image that we will love.

4 Years and Older

Mixture of colors

Let's discover that multiple colors combine to create a completely new color. We wish you to explore new colors in this activity that teachs by trying.

10 Years and Older

Moving rabbit

Let's make a moving rabbit with the ingredients in the house. Materials used: Color cardboard cups, feltwood pencil, package tire, scissors, background cardboard, plastic cover, hot silicone, parcel tape and adhesive. Let's stimulate the rabbit by watching the video in detail.

2 Years and Older

Match Color Pencils with Cover

We do matching with colorful and lid pencils. We try to close the pencils that are separated from the covers by finding the lid of the same color.

2 Years and Older

Know and Match Colors

Let's remove the lids in colored objects. Let's place the lid in the object we take off the same color. Then let's put the lids again.

2 Years and Older

Find the same colors and paste

There are points of different colors on a roll -shaped paper. We are trying to meet the colorful adhesive papers that are the same color of these points with that color.

2 Years and Older

Find and match colors

Let's remove the colored objects we have glued to the balloon this time and leave it into the same color containers. It is a good activity for the development of our little ones who match objects with their ability to reason.

2 Years and Older

Move according to colors, explode the balloons and become champion

Let's sort the colored balloons in a certain order. When you make a membrane of the same colored papers and thrown to the ground, according to the color that comes to the top, the person of that color moves one step and explodes the balloon. The person who explodes all the balloons becomes the champion.

1-2 Age

Combine objects of the same color 2

Let's combine objects of similar color this time to pass into each other. It is a good activity for the development of our little ones who match objects with their ability to reason.

1-2 Age

Combine objects of the same color

Let's create objects of similar color. It is a good activity for the development of our little ones who match objects with their ability to reason. The materials we use in this activity are slightly different.

6 Years and Older

Remember the colors and find the same color

Each of the cardboard cups has colorful balls. We are trying to match color balls with the same color lids. The first one is the winner.

4 Years and Older

Capture the Colored Ball in Square

In this mutual activity, let's quickly deliver the colored ball to the other player without disturbing the coordination without taking it out of a particular limit.

1-2 Age

Find and match the same objects

Let's create objects in similar color and in the figure. It is a good activity for the development of our little ones who match similar objects with their ability to reason.

1-2 Age

Complete the Same Color Matchboxes and Separate Them Later

Let's find too much matchbox. Let's paint the matchboxes we found in different colors. Let's try to get a complete matchbox by combining the same color of the pieces.

2 Years and Older

Match similar objects

Let's try to match the flowers painted with two different colors with objects with the same colors. Let's improve the attention and visual perception skills of our little ones.

2 Years and Older

Fill the caps with paint in the same color

Let's prepare colored fish and the covers of the same color on them. Again, let's try to transfer the paints of the same colors to these covers.

2 Years and Older

Let's paint the raindrop

In this activity, let's lightly wet the cotton in the lid with blue water and let the cotton change color

2 Years and Older

Match objects according to their colors

Let's find lids of different colors and round objects with the same colors. Then let's try to match these different objects with colored caps.

4 Years and Older

Right and Left Brain Activity 3

It is a good activity for our children to coordinate their right and left brains in a coordinated way. In this event, we will try to quickly find the colors we pass by other hand respectively.

6 Years and Older

Listen and sort the objects correctly

Estimate the order of objects of different colors in the box and try to arrange objects in the same way. Don't forget to listen to the person who will guide you because it will help you in the right ranking.

6 Years and Older

Let's make a caterpillar with finger paint and leaf

Let's try to make a colorful caterpillar with one leaves and watercolor in different colors.

6 Years and Older

Progress according to colors and become champion

Let's sort the colored papers in a certain order. Each of the people who will play in our contest should choose a color. When you make a membrane of the same colored papers and thrown to the ground, the person of that color is moving one step.

6 Years and Older

Let's move the colored balls according to the specified directions

Let's try to move the colored balls in both of us according to those directions according to the different directions we have drawn on paper.

6 Years and Older

Match Colors

Let's try to put our colored mixed balls in the carton glass in the same color lane. The fastest one wins.

6 Years and Older

Find what is said quickly and you reach the first object in the middle

Two people are trying to find the colors said in this event. Of course, except for colors, the object can be said. Start the competition to reach the first object without being surprised in the fastest way.

6 Years and Older

Tangerine and sparkling experiment

We are with a colorful experiment. Let's experiment with a beautiful visual feast with tangerine and sparkler.

6 Years and Older

Magic milk experiment

We continue to have fun with a colorful event. Let's make milk with the magic milk experiment.

6 Years and Older

Cute Animals Easy Drawings

Let's prepare pencils and paper, we will draw cute animals with a few simple movements. Turtle, snail, frog, hedgehog, crab and whale draw and color.

4 Years and Older

Let's draw flowers with bags and paint

After the bag at the house is a little inflated, let's paint some with the help of watercolor. Then let's walk the painted place on a white paper. You will love the flower shapes formed very much.

6 Years and Older

Draw shape, soak, flowers appear

Let's prepare pens in different colors and draw shapes on paper. Then wet the shapes slightly. Let's color our activity with the beautiful image.

6 Years and Older

Flowers From Pipet

Materials required to create colorful flowers: pipette, scissors, bumper brush, finger paint or acrylic, gouache paint, toothbrush, ear bar, brush. Enjoy.

4 Years and Older

Match colored numbers with colorful balls

Let's prepare colorful paper with numbers in which the numbers are written. Let's start matching the balls that are the same as the color of the colored papers we have prepared.

4 Years and Older

Coding activity with colorful balls

Let's prepare colored balls and paper of the same color. Let's try to bring together colorful balls in the same sequence of the colored papers that we paint mixed.

Little Einsteins

Our Huge Big Adventure

The Little Einsteins are on their daily patrol on Rocket, until they hear music coming from somewhere distant.