Child Activities Mikro İnteraktif FREE - Download from Google Play


4 Years and Older

Transfer Objects Activity

We are doing an activity of transferring objects in a box to another empty box with the help of a stick.

6 Years and Older

Run Around the Circle and Reach the Object to the Target When You Hear the Whistle

In this game played with more than one person, we arrange the objects in a circle in a row. Our little ones run around these objects until they hear the whistle. When the whistle sounds, we take the object and quickly put it in the middle circle. The last one to do it is eliminated.

4 Years and Older

Race and entertainment with cone

We list cones and circles in a certain order. We try to grab the last chair by competing with the other friend.

6 Years and Older

Let's make owl from the pine cone

Let us examine the construction of the owl from the pine cone that will be revealed with the dexterity of the little ones.

10 Years and Older

Moving rabbit

Let's make a moving rabbit with the ingredients in the house. Materials used: Color cardboard cups, feltwood pencil, package tire, scissors, background cardboard, plastic cover, hot silicone, parcel tape and adhesive. Let's stimulate the rabbit by watching the video in detail.

8 Years and Older

Tiny chairs from the lids

Let's try to make tiny chairs to use the little ones in house games. Plastic lid as material, skewers and silicone adhesive.

10 Years and Older

Let's understand the open and closed states of geometric shapes

We will learn the open and closed state of some geometric shapes. We will recognize cone, cylinders, prisms and many other 3D objects.

6 Years and Older

Let Chamomile

Let's try and daisies with easily available ingredients. Our videos and lecture materials.

8 Years and Older

Pine cone Do with the dinosaur

Pinecone what's your favorite dinosaur? This is so cute dinosaurs to choose among so hard, let's do that.

1-2 Age

Opening And Closing Activity Bottle Caps

Parental control to turn on and off the bottle caps in a nice little likes it's a game.