Child Activities Mikro İnteraktif FREE - Download from Google Play


1-2 Age

Opening And Closing Activity Bottle Caps

Parental control to turn on and off the bottle caps in a nice little likes it's a game.

6 Years and Older

Duck From Letter S Drawing

Making images of animals in our series of letters from, today let's find out the letter s with duck Productions.

6 Years and Older

Artistic Recycling

Three finished items. The end opened, and let's dispose of them for your event.

6 Years and Older

Surprise Carrots

Have pen and paper ready. We'll pull a rabbit out of a carrot.

4 Years and Older

Fun Frames

Are you ready for a fun game? Played with dice and Checkers nice, simple and educational game for Let's watch the video together.

4 Years and Older

Draw Violet

Violet in a simple way about how to draw a flower step by step? Watch the video and you will be able to draw yourself a nice violet flower.

6 Years and Older

Draw A Cat

In a simple way about how to draw a cute cat step by step? Watch the video and you will be able to draw yourself a nice cat.

6 Years and Older

Draw Giraffe

Step by step in a simple way about how to draw a giraffe? Watch the video and you will be able to draw yourself a nice giraffe.

6 Years and Older

Draw Cute Birds

Easy drawing today in our series of videos, we'll draw a bird 2. Watching the video you will be able to draw a beautiful bird and in a simple way.

6 Years and Older

Drawing a whale with a spoon

Spoon, paper, and colored pencils on how to draw a cute whale with simple about?

8 Years and Older

Let's Teach Addition with Hands for Kids Easily

How about teaching our little ones how to add by hand in an easy and practical way?

2 Years and Older

Draw Game Look The Same

This game provides support for the development and strengthening of small colors Nov

4 Years and Older

Fun Food

Various fruits and let's make it a fun event in our house of good food.

6 Years and Older

Gradually Simple Drawing Techniques

Beautiful animal figures that we see this event, we sometimes step-by-step, we show how that was drawn.

4 Years and Older

Breakfast Like Flowers

Let's do the presentation for a nice breakfast with tomato and cucumber.
